Amber Dew Events, the New Event’s Company started by Lord Russell Baker, is bringing the World Snooker legends to Peterborough in 2016.

If your business is interested in ‘head-line’ sponsorship and/or VIP tables for the Peterborough Snooker Legends evening then please don’t hesitate to get in touch and register your interest. To register your interest email Russell at Sponsorship of this prestigious event will include a VIP table for your Company and guests, a light finger buffet dinner, meet and greet the Snooker Starts and Icons, a chance for photo’s and memorabilia, plus many marketing opportunities for your company and organisational brand. Your brand gets endorsed with table side hoardings and your company logo on the waistcoat patches of these Legends. A chance to really impress your clients!
General sale of VIP tables and Tiered seats will go on-sale in the New Year and this event is expected to be a sell-out, so be sure to register your business and personal interest too by email to Russell at
The Amber Dew Event web site is currently under construction and will go live in early 2016, but in the interim event information, and updates, is available at
Quite simply an amazing evening of top Snooker with Ronnie O’Sullivan, Jimmy White, with John Virgo as the MC, Michaela Tabb as Referee and with John Virgo’s rich array of comedy and trick shots, it’s going to be an amazing evening of World Class Snooker.
Date and venue to be advised shortly.