es, folks a host of former Norwich City, Chelsea and Ipswich Town Legends including; Peter Mendham, Robert Fleck, Iwan Roberts, Darren Huckerby, Cedric Anselin and John Wark have already signed up to play for the MGLegends Charity Football Match.Rob Newman also interested along with Grant Holt and David Cotterill.Other players also being contacted over the next days and weeks.The Legends squad will also include Lord Russell Baker who made his first appearance for many years in the Legends team along side Robert Fleck and Peter Mendham at the Amber Dew Events Stadium in April 2018.An amazing afternoon of football at Diss Town Football Club, Brewers Lane on Sunday 3rd March, 2019. K.O. 14:00 All proceeds to Prostate Cancer UK…..
To donate: http://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/MGLEGENDS19
So get Sunday 3rd March in your diary and support the teams as they do battle for the MGLegends Charity Trophy at Diss Town F.C in Norfolk.